My Masters

Fuck Jann Wenner. If you haven’t been saying that for 45 years, I hope you’re saying that now. It feels good. Go ahead: Fuck. Jann. Wenner. And fuck his aptly…

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Jetty Spaghetti

It's probably normal for people to give their pets nicknames in ways they wouldn't think to name their friends—unless they're the guy making the copies. Marty's and my first dog, Beowulf…

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The “Living” Room

I've been cleaning my living room for almost three hours—vacuuming, dusting, cleaning behind the furniture. The only thing left is the blinds, and I just can't. I was hoping to,…

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  My daughter is a great person. I admire her for many reasons, her breathtaking beauty the least of them. She is kind. She is concerned. She is conscientious. She…

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maybe someday you

"Suck Voice" illustration by Jennifer Sarah Blakeslee The worst part about mental illness is not simply having it. It’s not the waking up some mornings in such a state that you wonder…

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